Friday, May 21, 2010

Worlds worst blogger

Yeah, that'd be me. I never write on here, just spy on everyone else. Sorry!! We are in NY now, stationed at Ft. Drum. When I say NY people get excited about NY city, but I have to say that it is in no way related to the rest of the state. If you look at a map (which I never did till we moved here) you can see that it just hangs off one corner, rather like a booger. Where we live is very rural. All cows and corn farms and stuff like that. We are living on post - a new adventure for us, but an okay place to be. And as of this week, I think warmness has finally found us. By warm I mean all of 80, but it feels so nice after the crazy coldness that we moved into.

Cory finally got his schooling scheduled for October. He's happy about changing jobs, but is now kind of on everyones poop list because they are deploying in Oct. So he's had every crappy shift that needed to be pulled, but he's home most nights and that's a step up from the last few years.

We just picked up about 100 brochures on all the fun stuff to do and see around here, so hopefully I'll be blogging about the wonders on Northern New York soon.

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