Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Army is driving me crazy

In Korea the man says he can't help Cory because he already has orders for NY. At Ft Hood the man says he can't help Cory but that as soon as Cory gets to NY they can help him and if not he can always re-enlist for guaranteed duty station (ft hood) and come back. The man in NY tells Cory he can't help him until he's been in NY for at least a year and he should have done all this in Korea. Also the unit he is attached to will be deploying in Oct. So, if Cory stays in NY for a year he will deploy and his contract will come up while he is down range and he'll actually come home from the deployment early because he'll run out of time. There is no way my husband will re up while he's away from home - he's already had two shots at it.
So, do I put my house up for rent and move my family to NY to live with my hubby for 8 months and then turn around and come home alone? Do I stay in NY alone for a year, knowing my husband will be unemployed again when he gets back? Do I make my husband miss another two years of his childrens lives and just stay here? Most importantly, does the army offer disability payments to spouses when they've gone crazy from dealing with all this junk?

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