Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Stuff

I was recently reminded that I haven't posted anything on my blog lately. I just looked and sure enough, my last post was in July. Needless to say some things have happened since then. Cory went to school to change jobs in the Army. He was in Maryland for about 3 months (Oct-Jan). We had some holidays and some crazy winter weather and a few trips. I learned how to shovel snow which isn't as hard as I thought it would be - neither is driving in it, although I should apologize to all the people who had to drive behind my big SLOW van (25 in a 55, but I never ended up in the ditch). I learned exactly how much time four kids can be stuck inside before they go insane (about an hour after mommy does). And we found out what snow days are for. Here are a few pictures of the highlights.

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