Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Megan's visit

We just took Megan back to the airport after a 10 day visit. Shortest one yet, which was probably easier on her, but harder on the little kids. She has always been good at being patient and loving with them. Having her around made me pay a little more attention to how I speak to them too.

We tried to find fun stuff to do, close to home since Cory couldn't take any leave and has a crazy work schedule right now. We saw some historical sights and went to a local Ren. Festival. It was strange to hear Don Juan and Miguel tell the same jokes in such a different setting. Oh, and if you notice that there's no pics, Meg and I both forgot the cameras. We went to the Hill Cumorah pageant and saw Niagra falls and took Megan to her first drive in movie. The van pretended to break down at the hotel outside of Buffalo, and we got to have a little miracle.

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