Monday, June 14, 2010

Flag Day

Today was Flag Day and the kids school put on a little assembly to celebrate. Simon said he was holding a flag and wanted me to come, so I loaded up Spencer and went - sure it would be another boring school assembly (great mom, I know). So we went to the front of the school and listened to the Bell band (yep, they played the bells) and then some kids read essays about what the flag meant to them. The whole time, this crazy helicopter kept flying over the school. Being close to the airfield, we are pretty used to it, and I just figured it was a bored pilot checking out what was going on. Then the principal says, "if you'll all just turn around where you are, our special guests will be joining us." A black hawk and an Apache then proceed to land on the other side of the parking lot. The kids were going crazy!! Spencer has never held so still - totally in awe. Then one of the pilots hops out and looking completely "Top Gun"-ish runs over and takes off his flight helmet and gives the principal and school a flag that he flew on 9-11-09 in a combat mission over Iraq. By which time I was crying, overcome by the awesomeness of the American soldier I guess. They stayed all day and the classes took turns going out and meeting the pilots and climbing all over the helicopters. Very good Flag Day!

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