Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

I wanted to sit here and type something inspirational and beautiful and moving - I got nothing folks. All I can say is I'm glad to see the back side of 2009. I can honestly say I don't know anyone who had a good year (aside from Robyn and Joe who had the cutest baby ever this year, but mentioning that would ruin this blog, so I'm not gonna). Too many health scares and job scares and money woes and husbands gone and relationships on the rocks. I thought Soap Operas were crazy and that no ones life moved that fast - until this year. But, I also know alot of really strong people who made it through this crappy year. Medical miracles and stretchy dollars and realizing some things are worth the effort, seeing the big picture and finding the eternal side of things. Tomorrow starts 2010, and I know that things around here aren't going to be any easier any time soon, but I can't help but feel hopeful. I think that's why they invented the whole year concept way back when, so we could have a time to begin and end, a time to say it's okay to change and to start over. I wonder if they realized how smart that was.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The blog that never was

I just erased about a paragraph about what a crappy day this was. Don't wanna preserve that for posterity. Mostly because it made me look bad, since it's my PMS ruining things. So let's move on to better things. It was sunny today and we went to the park and teased the geese. Simon wanted nothing to do with the geese, Heidi went over very slowly, Max thought he was brave until they started to charge. Only Spencer seemed completly unworried about them, and they must have realized it too because as soon as he headed for them, they backed off fast. We also made sugar cookies. It was everything I thought it would be. The kids loved it, and Heidi went around the neighborhood dropping off plates of cookies to her friends. I have a feeling it's gonna be an interesting two weeks

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Well, folks. I found that I was running out of things to do to keep from having to clean my house, so I decided to write a blog. Please understand that this in no way implies that I have anything useful or surprisingly wise to say. Anything said on this page cannot be used against me, nor am I responsible for any drama created by following my advice.